I wish I could be an inspiration to someone one day. Not that I wanna be a famous person or win a Noble prize .. I just wanna create something to inspire people who are especially suicidal.
Reading and watching news about suicidal cases on the phone and tv are starting to make me feel that this world is getting sick. People need to change their mindset.
I'm pretty sure most of the people will reach the moment where they feel like they have nobody else but themselves. They tend to feel like they have lost everything. They feel lonely and unwanted. Hence, death is all they could think of to end everything. Some of them even think that this is the way to make people whom they once loved (or loved them) to be remorseful. These - are the wrong mindsets.
One day, I wish I could create a website or a platform which would be an inspiration to those who need a party to talk to, or even just a listener. I know, it's hard to talk to someone we know when we're so depressed and sometimes ashamed about what we have done. So, I wish there is something where there are inspiring words and people who are willing to communicate with them. They can be anonymous completely and this way they need not to hold back everything they wanna share about.
I wanna make them realize that there is a place, a bunch of people where they can still call home and friends. And they must know that death is not the answer to all the problems in their life. There must be an alternative way to make things better. I wish ... I could make that happen one day.
Suicide doesn't end the pain. It just passes it on to someone else.