Hi. Have you ever heard of CINEMAGRAPHS? You must be thinking about cinematography but no, they are actually two completely different things. Cinematography is the art of making motion pictures like videos, short films and movies whereas cinemagraph is a still photograph in which a minor and repeated movement occurs, forming a video clip. They are published as an animated GIF or in other video formats, and can give the illusion that the viewer is watching an animation.
Cinemagraph is assigned as the final project for my digital photography class. Cinemagraphs are made by recording a video, and, using image editing software, compositing the photographs or the video frames into a seamless loop of sequential frames. This is done such that motion in part of the subject between exposures is perceived as a repeating or continued motion, in contrast with the stillness of the rest of the image.
You might not be clear after all this explanation, still. So, let me show you some examples of cinemagraphs.
You see, there's only a part of the photo moving and the other part just stays still. This is how a cinemagraph looks like. Amazing isn't it?
I'm really looking forward to accomplishing this final project. Hopefully I'm gonna have fun and enjoy during the shooting and editing. And wish that I will get a good and interesting cinemagraph in the end!
***UPDATE: This is the outcome of my project - a cinemagraph for Pizza Hut.