After contributing for 5 years, our prefect-life has finally come to an end. We're free from all the duties! However, on the other hand, we might not be able to spend time together like how we did in the past. No more meetings. No more having breakfast in the canteen together. :( We are like a big family ... and I'm proud and glad to be one of the members. Everyone in the prefectorial board is so nice! It's a great pleasure to meet such awesome people like them in my life. I hope we can still keep in touch. :')
The annual reception was a blast! It was held in the Gardens Hotel. Undeniably, I always have fun whenever my ji mui are around. :D Everyone was so stunning and we took a lot a lot of pictures. Of course, we enjoyed ourselves very much. The form 4's did a great job in organizing the event. It was well-planned. :)
Retiring from being a prefect also indicates that we're gonna leave the school SO SOON. :( I really wish that that day would never come. But yeah, impossible. *sigh* I swear, I will miss all these people like seriously! And also other form 5's ... I'm gonna keep the words until the day we graduate. No matter what, just CHERISH THE MOMENT WE HAVE RIGHT NOW, EVERY DAY AND EVERY SECOND ♥
And by the way ...
POONKARYEE, I ♥ THIS! Thank youuuuu! :D