Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I'm officially 17!

I had a great birthday this year! Despite the surprise on last Saturday, today is also a day full of surprises! This is a dream-come-true as all I wanted for this year birthday is SURPRISE! I'm so thankful for everything. Every single thing, seriously. :D

At 12am. Actually I had already slept. But somehow, I managed to be awake at 1150pm. Lol! Vivian was the first one to call me, Ginnie was next and then KarYee. Thanks for all the messages! There's one of them I love the most. Try guessing? haha!

Okay ... Time for school! The first who wished me was jiansheng. I met him and regina at the staircase. So, regina was the next one. LOL I was in a very good mood in the morning. Felt like something was awaiting to happen. haha thought too much! 

The first surprise was given by karyee. In the morning, she told me that she couldnt finish the card on time and she might be giving it to me on the next day. I was like, "Ohh. It's okay. :) Take your time!" But then ... aiya, I was so emotional la! Lol 

♥ ♥ 

Eventually, she gave two cards and a piece of cake to me in front of my class! Thank you, KARYEE ! The cards are nice and I know you did a lot of hard work. Loveeeee! And, thanks 5A12-ers for the birthday song! You guys made it look so grand by standing up while singing the song. Awww! Ohya .. a big thanks to the BIRO RAMBUT MEMBERS for singing me the birthday song TWICE! That's so sweet of y'all. haha Next, thanks, BIQING YENTHENG WENJIE VINCENT for the birthday gifts! I appreciate all of them. :) I thought that's all the gifts I was gonna receive. BUT, after school, when I got home, there's another (the second) surprise!! Thank you, MUNWEI ! No doubt, I love your gifts. ;) (And I love the way you call me 'Imn Imn' :D) After that, went to kasturi for tuition. Thanks LIJIEN MAYYAN SIOBITA ANUSSHA KLAUDIA BALA for wishing me a happy birthday! :) :) Later on, I received another present. It's from JONATHAN! Thank you so much for the JustinBieber's First Step 2 Forever : My Story book!! Next, thank you GINNIE for the JB's scrapebook. I literally screamed when I saw it! Thank you, VIVIAN for accompanying me to the JB's concert! I did make a right choice! haha Thank you KOKJUN for that special dedication picture on facebook!! Last but not least, I want to thank my PARENTS for the concert ticket!! :D Thanks for every single wish and greeting! I appreciate every one of them!!! Most of the wishes are asking me to stay happy and smile always. Alright .. I promise, I'll keep that big smile on my face. Always. ^^ Anyway, the ecstasy was beyond words can tell I feel blissful!