Saturday, March 19, 2011

Hey thereee

The new song in my playlist!

Feel free to stay and listen to it alright.

It's a sad song. About a girlfriend leaving her boyfriend.
I love the korean version (You Leave Me), though.
Just by the same singer, Bii ! He can sing really well. *thumbs up*


Okay, let me post something about the class party.

This party was held for those March babies.
They are Chan Pheng, Jun Ken, Kar Yee, Bi Qing and Shi Hui.

Alright, it was great. It was superb.
40 attendances! Eric did a great job weih!
The food was niceee and the game ... LOL (hate the guard la)

And, yea, I was the first girl to be pushed into the pool.
Thanks, ms. Poon. XD

And yet, she was the second one! hahaha

Aiks. Failed to push vivianchong into the pool!

what else .. what else ..

Erm .. I think everyone enjoyed themselves to the max! 

5A12 rocksssssss! ♥

Okay. That's all. Gotta go. Bye!