Sunday, March 13, 2011

PRS race.

Yesterday, I went to school to help out for the PRS race with karyee, chris, wencai and jessica. I was in the same station as munwei. He was good. He could came up with many great ideas. Of course, I did contribute too. LOL Melvin and kokjun were so funny! They kept coming to our station and chatted with us. This kept our boredom away, seriously. hahaha Joe was also a funny one. And was a per****ed one as well. :P


I can still remember a funny conversation between me and dicsern's brother.


Me : Hey, what's your name? (actually I'd already known that)

He : Erm ... Chong Dic Sern!

Me : O.o I mean YOUR name. I thought it's Chong Dic Shawn? (I think I spell it wrongly.)

He : NO! I'm Chong Dic Sern. ^^

Me : OHH. So what's your BROTHER's name then?

He : CHONG KAR YAN ! (and that's actually their sister's name)



The race was kinda fun! PRS organized it very well.  :)