Friday, November 19, 2010

Happy Holiday ! :)

Surround yourself with people who knows your worth. You don't need too many people to be happy. Just a few REAL ones who appreaciates you for who you are.


 *sob sob* Apparently, it was the last day of schooling. There're reasons why I felt excited but yet sad about it ...

Why I felt excited :
  • No more schooling
  • Can stay up till very late at night
  • Can go outings with friends
  • Can watch tv for whole day long
  • Can have a longer duration of sleeping
  • Less homework (too bad I still have homework for holiday)
  • Can watch movieeeeesss

Why I felt sad :
  • Can't meet my Ji Mui ! D:
  • Can't laugh like a mad lady!  XD
  • Can't meet other awesome friends
  • Feel a little bit of the emptiness during the holidays
  • Feel bored easily
  • Can't share my secrets :(
  • Can't meet  My O*** O** (only karyee and vivian know what this is! XP )
  • Can't Do Many Things la!


19th of November. It was a memorable day! I had had a most enjoyable meal with my Ji Mui !! :D That moment was really really AWESOME ! Seriously, today I couldnt stop smiling. It was the last day, why not just be happy? :D Although today was a so-called chemistry-day for us, the 4a12 students, we didn't complain about that. In fact, we enjoyed the class and paid as much attention as we could.

OhYa, and karyee told me something today. OMG WTH?! Did I scold you? Did I ever?! I just simply asking you for the truth and you told other people that I'm scary 'cause I scolded you! What The F---! That pissed me off so badly when I heard that from karyee. Karyee and vivian even thought that what I did was reasonable. Omg I just dont know how to remain the friendship between us.

I hate people treating unjustly to me !!


So so so, HAPPY HOLIDAY EVERYONESee you guys again next year, 2011 ! And btw, goodluck to the form5's for their SPM. :)

People that are meant to be together always find each other in the end. ♥