Good news ... I've passed the interview and I'm officially a graphic design student! From next semester onward, I'm gonna start studying about graphic design. Undeniably, I'm really excited about what I'm gonna learn about this course. What's gonna happen in the upcoming 2 and a half years? I can't wait to discover it all..!
Before the interview, I've borrowed some books and surfed the internet to look for some information about graphic design. As what I've gotten from those resources, graphic design is something about advertisement, packaging design and typography (I love typography!). People have been asking me, why do I choose this major instead of animation, fashion and textile, or industrial design. I couldn't give a concrete answer, but it had been my first choice since the first day I accepted this course offer. But anyway, my dream job is always web designer. Hopefully this course is gonna help me pursue my dream. And I really hope the upcoming classes are going to be interesting 'cause the past ones are not bad so far.
I think this course really does suit me. There are hard times during these past few months, of course, but I could still manage to do my best and get everything done well and done on time. I'm thankful to god for making a choice for me. Before this, I was on dilemma whether to go for passion or profession. If I chose dentistry in the first place instead, I'm not quite sure whether I could be as relaxed as I am right now. Well, I haven't officially done with this semester yet, cause the finals ain't over yet. Although the assignments were tough and burdening, at least I did enjoy myself while accomplishing them. And, they're all completed! Heehee. At least, for now, I need not have to memorize formulas, scientific terms and mathematical calculations anymore. I actually feel relieved. Ha. Maybe I was really born as an art person. Science or maths stuff are not really meant for me, perhaps.
Anyway, there's nothing wrong to be an artist. Artist is not a person who just sketches or draws or paints. Artists make our world different. Without advertisement and nice packaging, you wouldn't be able to sell your products. Without animators and comic artists, there would be no cartoons and animation movies or even Japanese anime. Without fashion designers, you wouldn't have beautiful accessories to put on and you would only be wearing the same color or the same design of clothes. Without interior designers, all houses would look the same. Without industrial designers, you wouldn't have iPhone, iPad, all the smartphones and gadgets. Without artists and designers, this world would be so dull. Everything started from just a simple imagination. And please believe that a simple imagination and creativity could change the world.
Here is some really interesting typography ... :)

Hopefully I can make something as good as these in the future. Life is all about doing something you love. Don't spend the rest of your life doing something just for the sake of doing it or just because you need money. Enjoy life while you still can. Adios.