Went to school today for the marching training. No one turned up, though. Yea there were some but they're all seniors. Train for what then? -.-
And, the DBKL people are crazy, I must say! Kept spraying insecticide ALL OVER THE SCHOOL. We had nowhere to run seriously. Derek said, our school was like genting. haha He was right. I felt like I would die soon if I kept inhaling those gases. stupid fellas
Chatted with the seniors for awhile. I then called my mom and she came to pick me up with my aunt. And all of a sudden, my aunt suggested to hang out at midvalley. So, my mom asked my sis to go along as she's having pbsm marching training as well. But wait .. going to mv in my pj shirt?! oh no I was praying that I will meet no one I know. ==
That's .. err.. really random. LOL
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