Woke up kinda early today. Too bored, I surfed and surfed all over the internet like nobody business. But then, aiks, still couldnt overcome the boredom. :/ (Thanks munwei, your texts kept me alive. haha. c'mon not that serious la :D) Finally, I have found something to do. Hee. Keep reading and you'll find out. ;p I'm thinking of having a twitter acc. (Okay, I have actually started thinking about this since LAST YEAR!) Nvm, I'll own one soon! Ehh wait. Now I remember. Actually, I already have an account, just that I havent started using it. (not now yet) :x
Sorry, please allow me to keep crapping! Coz I have nothing better to do.
Suddenly, this came up to my mind. It's what carolyn (our cool and responsible class monitor! omg she really can shut the whole class up. LOL) wrote on the white board on last tuesday.
Who haven't pass up tatabahasa? Quick. It's NOW OR NEVER!!
HAHAHA. Nice oneee! (never say never la~ XD)
Yesterday, went for physics tuition. Ohmy, lmao man. The teacher's action and the way he talks. omg hahaha. I told vivian, whenever I come for this tuition, I must try not to look at HIM. Listening to his lecture is enough already. Lol. This vivianchong, misunderstood me. She thought I was mentioning ... XD Funny la that teacher. But no doubt, he can teach very well and I can understand every single thing. At least, it's not boring. :)
Alright, I think I'll just stop my crap here. Maybe you're starting to think reading this is a waste of your time. Or maybe not? Okay anyway, thanks for reading! :D
Ohyaya.. this is what I've found to do. enjoyyyy. ;)

I found all these pictures from Tumblr! Teehee. :B
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