At 7.55am, met up with yingsiew and weywenn at jalan utama. Many other students were there already, especially girls.. cause pandu was having their activities today as well. I saw jiaxn, jessica, xiangting, mernjo, yentheng, chris, kaixin and caroline. Caroline was going for the kursus too.
Later on. yingsiew, caroline, kaixin and I went to block G for the registration. Met hongsyuen there!! ^^ And then, she joined us.
The kursus was hosted by Puan Tea (our sejarah teacher). First of all, principal gave her speech. It was the shortest speech tat I've ever heard from her. XD Perhaps she was rushing for time. Then, it's Pn Goh's turn to give her speech.
Next, we went to the canteen for our breakfast. They prepared fried noodles for us. Honestly, I didn't finish it. :P Kaixin didnt, either. lol
After that, we went back to block G. It's 'ice-breaking' time!! =D Mdm. Heratini was hosting d games...
The 1st game:
Paste a paper on the back. Then, walked around as the music played. And let the others to write about what they like / dislike about you.
The 2nd game:
There're 30 questions on a paper. Walked around and asked the others about the questions randomly. If they said 'YES', write their names down and asked them to sign. The first person to get all 30 questions signed will be the winner.
These games were kinda fun and meaningful! We could really know some new friends or even know more about our friends. ^.^
Around 10.30am, someone from INTI College came to give us a seminar. It's about Team-Building. We expected it would be very boring. But then, we found it's really different from other seminars.
At first, they separated us into 10 groups evenly. And then, we played the 1st game. We had to build a straw-building. Apparently, we must build a 'buiding' by using straws only. Fortunately, we had 3 scouts as our group members - Lim Ken, Zhe Hui n Chang Jian. They gave us many useful ideas which really helped us a lot.
But then, there's another rule in this game. The people from INTI kept pulling those active-members out from the teams. And those members were not allowed to help the teams anymore. Of course, they pulled the scouts out from our team!! grr~ Many of them were so pissed off. We couldn't understand the reason they did that. Eventually, our team didn't win the game. The building couldn't even stand steadily. :( At last, the team with the shortest and the most stable building won.
Actually, this game taught us a lesson. It taught us about team-work. They kept pulling team-members out so that the others could work harder even without their important members.......
The next game was even more fun! They separated us again into 10 members in each group. My group members were Kate-Lynn (Leader), Kadine, yingsiew, kaixin, hongsyuen, caroline, limken, zhehui, changjian and I.
Firstly, one of the members stood in the middle. Crossed her/his arms and closed the eyes. This game was called Trust-and-Support. The ones standing in the middle must relax themselves and let the others to push them around. Hongsyuen was the 1st one as she was the smallest in size. lol The next were changjian and limken's turns. Limken did the best! He really relaxed himself alot! XD
After that, we played another game. We gotta hold each other's hands randomly and untangle the hands. Even though we were not the 1st but e found that we were fast! haha It was extremely fun! But too bad... we could only play it once. TT
Later on, we went to the canteen to have our lunch. After finished taking lunch, 5 of us went to block G. We were having fun there!! We "re-played" those games.. very sampat... LOL Especially yingsiew and hongsyuen's mirror game. It really made us laughed-our-ass-off! ROFL.
Lastly, I went to Makmal 2 with yingsiew and kaixin for the kursus kesetiausahaan. Caroline and hongsyuen went to Makmal 3 for kursus kebendaharian (i think that's what they called it). Btw, I met wencai at the badminton court. She was like so shocked when she saw me. XD
*skip skip*
Went home at 3.45pm... Phew~ Finally it ended! hehe