Friday, December 11, 2009

tuition - bored

Today's tuition was damn boring. Most of my friends were absent. 
Karyee - no transport
Ginnie - currently in S'pore
Jiaxin - currently in Dubai
Kokjun - currently in Korea

See..... can you imagine how bored I was. I didn't even say a word during tuition. :( Btw, there're a lot of newcomers today. Especially cheeweng... i was so shocked when i saw him walking into the class. I think last Friday was their first class. But I missed the class last week, so that's why i only get to find out that today.

After tuition, biqing gave me the souvinier that she bought during the trip to Melaka. Thank you biqing!! =D
And thx karyee too.. for reserving the pink one for me... haha