It's another humdrum day... I don't have to go to my grandma's house today. My dad was off work for one day. Therefore, I stayed home and used my computer for the entire day.
All of a sudden, my sis asked me, "Jie, why the computer runs so slowly?" Then, don't know why, I answered, "It needs time, baby." My sis hit me hardly and shouted "OMG! Stop it!!" while giving me a weird look. And I was there laughing my ass off and wondering how did I spill the words out. XD
Watched JONAS again... Can't stop laughing just as every time I watch it. love JOE JONAS sooooooo muucccchhh >.< (But he is definitely not in the first place <3) lol However, it's too bad... I can only watch it on youtube. Cause my mom unsubscribed the Disney Channel. I'll try to convince my mom to resubscribe it asap.
Tomorrow I need to attend SN tuition somemore. Although it's not really fun, I rather go for tuition than staying at home like a nerd... :P
It's 11:45 now, time for bed. Buai~ ^.^