Today is my grandpa's 7th death anniversary. Plus, today is a public holiday. So, most of my relatives gathered at my grandma's house to 'celebrate' it. We was there chit-chatting... and gossiping as well. lol
I miss those times.... When I was fooling around with my cousins... acting like we were adults. Shouting and jumping like hell... as if we were in the jungle XD But then, when we were all grown up and getting to be more mature, we seldom play like that anymore. What we can only do was chatting and talking jokes with each other. Aww ... I'm recalling all the memories man... T.T *I think i should stop talking about this*
At 7.45pm, I rushed to tuition after dinner. My friends were back!! Except ginnie.. she is still in Singapore. Today's tuition was quite fun. (as karyee was there XP) The maths questions were confusing though.
After tuition, I went back to grandma's house. And continued the The 'adults' couldn't stop talking. They could chat about anything with excitement! haha Eventually, I went home at 11.50pm. When I was on the way going back home, it was drizzling. In addition, the radio kept playing sentimental love songs. I thought of SOMEONE and I almost .. T.T Don't worry... I said I was ALMOST, so I didn't.
Later on, I chatted with karyee through texting. We shared our feelings and kept consoling each other. lol However, after sending a message to her, she didn't reply me. So I think she fell asleep. Am i right, karyee? XD
All of a sudden, a question came out of my mind. Loneliness and Sadness ... if I have to choose one of them... I would rather choose SADNESS.
Btw, the PMR results will be released on 24th of Dec. I think everyone knows that. This time, it's really confirm as it'd been announced on the tv. Like my aunt said, LET IT BE... So, don't be too worried people! heehee
That's all for today... Bye! ^.^
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